Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stuck in Memphis part two

AOC crew briefing area with 100 computers
One of my two hero airplane line drawings: Customs P-AEW

Game room

Dead guy plaques in the Greenway Memorial Library

Greenway Memorial Library
Lockers for 4000


TV room...reminds me of the ready room on the carrier

Crew buses lined up to take you to your jet
I had to deadhead in to Tallahassee a full day early (Sunday) to make the required check-in period 9 hours before my active leg Monday night. No way to get there in time on Monday from Albuquerque. This meant paying for my own hotel room as well as leaving home much earlier than I wanted. Have to remember this when it's time to bid again. The trip last night from Tallahassee to Memphis seemed to be going smoothly right up until the ramp agent brought out the weight and balance at 20 minutes prior to push. That was my first indication that we were much heavier than planned; 9000 lbs to be exact. Now lifting this much extra weight up to 32,000' and carrying it 540 air miles to Memphis takes more fuel. The weather was very nice which meant the dispatcher did not have to give us fuel for an alternate, or very much extra fuel at all. I determined that we would need some more fuel to safely fly our route, and after some hemming and hawing the dispatcher agreed, but there would be a considerable delay in getting the fuel truck back out. Fedex takes any delays in its schedule very seriously, so I had to write an email once we got to Memphis explaining my actions (we were 35 minutes late). Then, shortly after checking in at Memphis for our return leg to Tallahassee, we were notified that the trip back was cancelled due to lack of 757s. Same thing that happened two weeks ago. They put a 727 on the trip and we went into substitution again, but with no airplane. This will cost me another hotel room in Memphis. Grr. So, I made use of my time in the hub by taking some pictures.

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